
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Silver had quiet the jump this morning!

Today Silver and precious metals have moved quiet a bit, also GOLD,GDXJ,GDX,SLV,GLD,stocks have moved a lot since I last recommended in the beginning of the year before Ukraine started all it's chaos. Agricultural stocks have also move up quiet a bit. For the rest of the year I believe metals is starting it's multi year bull market again in my personal opinion.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Something to really think about everyone. If they are buying this much up what do we think we should be doing? HSBC: Central Banks Added Estimated 180.1 Metric Tons Of Gold So Far In 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Really think about this.. No central bank in the history of mankind has printed as much new paper money as the Fed has over the past five years.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gold Hits 6 month high due to the crisis in Eastern Europe! This is going to get very interesting! This is the power of financial education, you can capitalize multiple times from the same situation knowing what gets affected in those situations and you can see it coming. Yes these situations are time sensitive and gotta really be on it but it's well worth it. Most people barely know what's going on in their own back yards let alone know what's going on globally and how it affects them over here.
Everyone needs to understand one of the major differences in the gold market now vs 1980s. 1980s we only had a handful of countries being able to participate. Now, today the entire globe is being able to buy physical metals. This ride up will be insane! And it's sad to say but most other markets are more easily manipulated, because those people have been trained to think differently. Once panic and fear hits games on!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hedge Fund in Europe more information

In the Republic of Croatia, only an open-ended investment fund with a public offering may be established as a UCITS.

A public offering of UCITS funds shall be permitted in the Republic of Croatia to:
1. management companies with their registered office in the Republic of Croatia which establish and manage an UCITS fund established upon the authorisation of the Agency;
2. management companies from member state which manages an investment fund established upon the authorisation of the member state relevant authority ;
(2) By way of exception from paragraph 1., management company from a third country shall be permitted a public offering of an open-ended investment funds from third countries which operate in accordance with the provisions of this Act regulating the operation of UCITS funds, or in accordance with regulations offering the equal level of protection to investors as UCITS funds do.

WOW this is going to get above and beyond! ‪#‎Internationalentrepreneurship‬

Opening a Hedge Fund in Europe Shortly

This is awesome just wanted to share. Hope this helps my European friends and investors. Hedge Fund coming to Croatia once were set up here!

Malta is one of only 12 EU member states that have fully complied in time with EU rules on hedge funds, according to research published this week by audit firm KPMG. The remaining 16 were found wanting in terms of complying with new EU rules intended to clamp down on hedge funds and other alternative investments.

Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK were the only states to comply in time, the report found.