
Saturday, October 26, 2013

 Here's some more Common Abbreviations in Finances-

DJIA- Dow Jones Industrial Average

EE- Series EE savings bond

EPS- Earnings Per

ERISA- Employee Retirement Income Security Act Of 1974

FAC- Face-amount certificate

FDIC- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FIFO- First in, First out

FINRA- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

FHLMC- Federal Home Loan Mortgage

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Here are a few Common Abbreviations to learn in finances:

ADR/ADS- American depository receipt
AIR- Assumed interest rate
BA- Banker's acceptance
CD- Certificate of deposit
CMO- Collateralize mortgage obligation
CMV- Current market value
COP- Code of Procedure
CPI- Consumer Price Index

If you want to learn more financial words and definitions sign up to my news letter either by PM your email to me or contact me at for me to add you. "Share" with your friends so we can all raise our financial education together.

 Learning Financial Lingo

Good Morning Everyone! I've been getting emails asking what do certain financial words mean. I'm going to start a newletter releasing a new word and definition so you can start to learn the lingo of the trading world.

The acronym ETF stands for exchange-traded fund. It's a security that trades like a stock, but is supposed to track the price of an index like the Dow or S&P500 instead of an individual company; or it may be designed to track the price of a commodity like oil,gold,silver,platinum.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

How powerful is the mind ?

 The subconscious mind is like a magnet. When it has been vitalized and thoroughly saturated with any definite purpose, it has a decided tendency to attract all that is necessary for the fulfillment of that purpose. 
Like attracts like, and you may see evidence of this law in every blade of grass and every growing tree. The acorn attracts from the soil and the air the necessary materials out of which to grow an oak tree. It never grows a tree that is part oak and part poplar.
Every grain of wheat that is planted in the soil attracts the materials out of which to grow a stalk of wheat. It never makes a mistake and grows both oats and wheat on the same stalk.
People, too, are subject to this same law of attraction. Go into any cheap boardinghouse district in any city and there you will find people of the same general trend of mind associated together. Or go into any prosperous community and there you will also find people of the same general tendencies associated together. Those who are successful always seek the company of others who are successful; those who are on the ragged side of life always seek the company of those who are in similar circumstances. "Misery Loves Company"
Water seeks its level with no finer certainty than we all seek the company of those who occupy our own general status financially and mentally. A Yale University professor and an illiterate hobo have nothing in common. The would be miserable if thrown together for any length of time. Oil and water will mix about as readily as will people who have nothing in common.
All of which leads to this. You will attract to you people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, weather you wish it or not. This being true, can you not see now the importance of vitalizing your mind with Definite Chief Aim that will attract to you people who will be of help to you and not a hindrance? Suppose your Definite Chief Aim is far above your present station in life. What of it you may ask? It is your privilege- in fact it is your DUTY- to aim high in life. You owe it to yourself, and to the community in which you live, to set a high standard for yourself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4 Facts Everyone should know about Millionaires: 
 1. More than 80% of America's millionaires accumulated their own wealth- they did not inherit it. 
2. Most millionaires do not live in fancy neighborhoods but in houses they owned when they began to accumulate their fortunes. 
3. Most millionaires drive mid-size American cars, not fancy imports, and one out of three of them always buys used cars.
 4. The average millionaire has an income of just over $130,000- their real wealth comes from their habit of saving 20% of their income.
Secret to having a million dollars by the time your 65 yrs old

Saving is pretty simple if you just break it down.
If you start at age 25 and you save til your 65 and stay disciplined and put to the side $179 a month by the time your 65 you will have a million dollars. Once you develop the habit of saving than you turn it up a notch and get into financial education of where you can put this money to grow even more and safely.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Work Smarter not Harder

Think about this.... Netflix Stock was trading at $70-80 levels earlier this year and now its at $333.50 if you even put 10k into the deal within a year that 10k turned into just about 42k!! and this is owning stock!! Not including options along the way cause you could of bought a year contract along with i. Also other options in between but that's besides the point. Average american works 8 hrs a day to take home maybe 30k a year. This stock by itself did that and you could of been working and also having this work for you on the side. Pretty cool plan to have extra income working for you. That's the point of first working for the money than when you build it up, you learn how to multiply the money and make it work for you now instead of you working for it. That's the beauty of being financially educated you see opportunity everywhere you go. Once trained to see these things you'll never lack opportunity again.