
Sunday, May 19, 2013

What are Calls and Put Options?

 I got a few emails asking me about What are Call and Put Options and What are Options? I made this video a little back explaining what they are. Please comment and let me know how you liked the video. Click Here to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Stay up to date on my videos

Saturday, May 18, 2013

What are Bitcoins?

I've been hearing a lot about Bitcoins lately in the news. This isn't something new its been around for a few years now. It's a digital currency where people can pay for goods and services without going thru a bank or government. It's totally independent and doesn't fractional lend the money. Now with these coins theres 2 ways to purchase them either digitally or physically. You can choose to not activate them and keep them in a safe or you can activate your coin and use it or keep it in your digital wallet online. It's a very private way to keep your money safe from the banks and governments. Especially since there's no end in sight for all the fiat currency there printing. There's also only a certain amounts of coins out there.  I find it very neat I can travel anywhere in the world and use the digital currency, where locations accept them. Also in private deals very convenient. No over sight or anything just conduct business without anyone butting into your business of how much money is exchanging and what for ect. People don't notice how much banks are into our lives. They want to know where all of our money is going and being spent on. My question to everyone is why should anyone have the right to butt there nose into your business and money? I would highly recommend bit coins for your portfolio. I believe this will be a huge thing in the future digital currency. Very easy to do a transaction all you need is a computer and you log into your account and grab your customers digital number and send the bit coins into there account and transaction is done. Now to convert your bit coins into physical currency there's companies out there that will convert them over for you. So you can use digital currency or real currency. I hear also today that the U.S government is getting scared of bit coins and what they could do to the financial system. If this wasn't big or serious the government wouldn't be stepping in. There mad they don't get a piece of the action. Stay tuned for the next article on the U.S is trying to shut down Iran from being able to buy gold. Now they've been telling us that gold isn't money its just a piece of metal but now there trying to stop a country from buying a hunk of metal if it's not worth anything why would you prevent them? If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or contact me on facebook,twitter,linkedin and my email is

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How are you dealing with these sharp price declines in the metals markets?

I got an email asking me how is my company dealing with these sharp decline in prices in metals. Well, were taking advantage of this major correction and really hasn't affected our company at all. Yes we've been buying Physical Silver since the $7 dollars levels and Gold at $850 levels. We've also been buying on the whole way up and down securing as much physical as possible. Even with prices so low were still in profit from when we started buying. We know this is only short term they can't keep this up forever. For example Silver alone hasn't been able to keep up with physical demand the last 25 years, what makes everyone think they can keep doing this during a crisis. Plus now we have the globe buying metals not just the U.S and western Europe like the metals runs of the 80's. This time around we have billions of more investors that are hitting the markets globally. Also to include were in a digital age now where things happen right away it doesn't take time to hit the markets like before. One thing that's going to separate us from the masses is Financial Education. Without it we'll be the average investor hitting the markets, and just participating what the masses are doing. What were also doing is hedging ourselves thru futures contracts and GLD's,SLV's while the price of the physical is down like this so were covering our losses thru the paper markets and making profit thru it also. Were playing both sides of the fence. Eventually demand is going to be so high that even if you want to get your hands on the metals it won't be there or it'll take a long time to fill your order. So just keep tight and keep buying monthly,weekly whatever your strategy is and don't get faked out by them manipulating the prices for short term because the smart money is acquiring at an alarming rate right now so why shouldn't you be? Stay tuned to my metals website we'll be able to start taking orders for physical metals this Monday May 20th. We are also putting together a private insiders program where we will be going in depth about the metals markets and history, how to deal with these time, what's our exit strategy?what were doing after the metals cycle? Weekly/Monthly Newsletters, monthly videos and much much more if your interested in signing up please email me at or contact me on Facebook,Twitter, or Linkedin. I'm loving all of the emails everyone keeps sending. Thank you so much for your questions and comments! Have a great day and stay tuned for the next article!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bank of Korea Cuts Policy Rate

South Korea’s central bank unexpectedly cut its benchmark interest rate for the first time in seven months, moving to prop up an economy hit by slumping exports and tepid domestic demand.

The Bank of Korea’s decision on Thursday to trim the base rate by 0.25 percentage point to 2.50% comes as persistent tensions with North Korea and the Japanese yen’s weakness as a result of Tokyo’s aggressive monetary easing campaign are adding to concerns about sustainable growth in Asia’s 4th largest economy.

The latest monetary easing, following two similar rate cuts last year in July and October highlights increasing concerns among Korean authorities about the health of the economy.

Here we go again everyone, another country printing away to keep up with everyone in the world printing. When one country prints its affects every ones economies. When one country prints everyone else has to eventually print to boost there exports and imports. We will continue to see this massive global printing for a long time, so buying physical gold and silver for your future savings fund is a very wise decision to make in my opinion. If you don't mind your purchasing power diminish don't pay attention to any of this. Also since they will be printing it would be good to position ourselves for a boost in there major index like the Dow Jones,Nikkei,TSX does every time any of those countries print. The United States stock market is only going up because there printing so much money every month. The markets are experiencing a sugar rush right now. Watch what happens when the FEDS stop feeding the market its sugar it's going to freak out! People following me on my social networks will remember me talking about when the market and economy starts to looks like it going back to normal that's the sign that the big boom is right around the corner and the Dow reaching history heights and unemployment is dropping supposedly. There trying to FAKE us out right now DO NOT BUY INTO IT!!! Stick to our strategy and look at the long term. They can play with the prices for only so long til the gig is up. Gotta also think about this if there's already a massive shortage on physical supply what does everyone think is going to happen when they actually announce the crisis and everyone knows how bad it is and they all rush into metals? It's going to be like being in a theater and everyone rushing for the door at one time! it's going to get crazy beyond believe when this hit critical mass. So keep positioning yourself and buy as much as you can monthly. Have a plan in place to purchase every month as much as you can. The 3rd week of May we'll hopefully beable to start taking ordering and having supply from the mints. You can also follow along finance news on my company website and if you want to purchase physical metals you can orders it from there also we deliver globally. If anyone has any questions or comments please leave them below or email me at Stay tuned in for more articles to come. Please share with your friends if you thought this was a great read.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cyprus Financial Crisis

I'm writing this report about Cyprus because I got many emails about my opinion on the Financial Crisis that hit Cyprus. 

Well as we all know this is very devastating to the entire world. It cause a shock wave thru the entire financial system. The world is not the same as it was before when it came to economics. We are all connected now. For example if they let Cyprus fail that would affect the EU and than the U.S has many investments in that zone and than that would affect the U.S financial system even though the countries are not even near each other. Before when a financial crisis hit that particular country that country alone would be in trouble but now with all the banks and economies connected one falls the entire deck of cards will fall. 

So take this as a major learning lesson for future events that can happen when banks get into trouble.  And the financial problem globally hasn't even came come close to fixing itself no matter what anyone says. Obviously we keep seeing them tell us for many years everything is alright, we have control over the matter but the truth of the matter is they have no idea. They keep guessing and playing experiments globally on economies. Like Cyprus was a major experiment if you look at it, they wanted to see how would the people and the globe react to such an action. Imagine it's friday and your finishing your work week and cashing your paycheck  and when you wske up Monday morning all of your cash inside of the bank was frozen. So naturally everyone will rush to the bank and ATM machines. But the bank has put a restriction on how much money you can withdraw daily. Your credit cards,wires, any transaction is blocked. Also meaning businesses were very limited to what they can do. Here we can say all the bad things on how bad this was, or how wrong it was. The truth about it is they can legally do this because we as the people have trusted them to keep our money safe inside THEIR banks and they can loan and leverage your money as much as they want, called fractional reserve banking. Now take a look at this, your putting your money into a bank account that's not making any money for you or very small interest and there are banks penalizing people that save there money in the bank. They charge you a monthly maintenance  fee for them to keep your OWN money in THEIR bank. Your money is sitting their doing nothing but you FEEL safe that no one can get to it but you forget,  thats a deposit to the bank. Once you hand over the money it's there's they give you an IOU a piece of paper stating you have this much money in your account and you have this much available balance ect. So if that bank messes up and becomes very risky means now your money is at MAJOR risk and that they can do whatever with the money to save there bank from collapsing. 
People of the Globe should be waking up to financial education after this because if we don't know how banks are run and how economics works we will always be exposed to unlimited financial risk all of our lives. I was reading Russians were withdrawing from there bank accounts way before the crisis hit. Now there blaming those people had an advantage for pulling out there money before anything happened and it's wrong the rest of the people couldnt withdraw it. 
Well the reality is they gave hints they were heading for problems and that this could happen but majority of people not being financially educated didn't see it coming and they got completely blind sided by this. So what is this telling us? We should be studying and learning financial education more in our lives cause the further along this world goes the more riskier it will become to those that don't know. We have access to information for a reason. I can understand during medieval times ect where we were kept from information,reading,writing ect and that disabled us to see anything coming and they could do whatever they wanted with no interruptions. Now we have the internet and information quicker than we've ever had it in history at our finger tips, There should be no reason to why we keep getting blind sided by things. The information is there if you want it, if you get harmed by financial matters its YOUR OWN FAULT nobody elses. Take control of your future!
One thing there not telling the world about this is that in the country of Cyprus while this financial melt down was playing out and everything frozen and restricted. People with precious metals could use the metals as legal tender during the hard times. Why are they not telling us that if something happens in a financial crisis you can use gold and silver as legal tender to buy goods and pay bills ect? Something to ask yourself about. Whoever prepared before this crisis hit with precious metals as a back up and hedge against inflation are doing ok during these times. They can pay there bills no problem, buy food, travel ect while the rest of the people are waiting and praying for the banks to release some money so they can buy there basic necessities,medicines ect. Look up how many U.S states are accepting Gold and Silver now is legal tender and how many are moving in that direction because they don't trust the U.S dollar. That'll be my next article I write about discussing that matter.  If you anyone has any other matters or questions they would like me to write about please feel free to email me at