What are Bitcoins?
I've been hearing a lot about Bitcoins lately in the news. This isn't something new its been around for a few years now. It's a digital currency where people can pay for goods and services without going thru a bank or government. It's totally independent and doesn't fractional lend the money. Now with these coins theres 2 ways to purchase them either digitally or physically. You can choose to not activate them and keep them in a safe or you can activate your coin and use it or keep it in your digital wallet online. It's a very private way to keep your money safe from the banks and governments. Especially since there's no end in sight for all the fiat currency there printing. There's also only a certain amounts of coins out there. I find it very neat I can travel anywhere in the world and use the digital currency, where locations accept them. Also in private deals very convenient. No over sight or anything just conduct business without anyone butting into your business of how much money is exchanging and what for ect. People don't notice how much banks are into our lives. They want to know where all of our money is going and being spent on. My question to everyone is why should anyone have the right to butt there nose into your business and money? I would highly recommend bit coins for your portfolio. I believe this will be a huge thing in the future digital currency. Very easy to do a transaction all you need is a computer and you log into your account and grab your customers digital number and send the bit coins into there account and transaction is done. Now to convert your bit coins into physical currency there's companies out there that will convert them over for you. So you can use digital currency or real currency. I hear also today that the U.S government is getting scared of bit coins and what they could do to the financial system. If this wasn't big or serious the government wouldn't be stepping in. There mad they don't get a piece of the action. Stay tuned for the next article on the U.S is trying to shut down Iran from being able to buy gold. Now they've been telling us that gold isn't money its just a piece of metal but now there trying to stop a country from buying a hunk of metal if it's not worth anything why would you prevent them? If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or contact me on facebook,twitter,linkedin and my email is MarkLikarevic@MLMetals.com
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