
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Here's some interesting facts about #micro #loans and this is why I love #banking, endless possibilities of #helping #people!
What are some of the ways that people use their #microfinance loans?

The ways in which people use their loans vary as much as the ways people earn a living. Some #buy #livestock; a #sewing #machine and #fabric to make #cloths and #accessories; #stock for a #local #store; a #tractor or #seed and other #farming #equipment and #supplies. The #possibilities are #endless as to what a micro-entrepreneur can do with his or her loan.

Are #poor people able to #repay their loans?

Microfinance clients have #excellent track #records for #repayment. Repayment #rates for microfinance loans on a global level average is about 97 percent!

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