
Friday, January 3, 2014

Here's some financial education for anyone starting out. When you first start out to be an entrepreneur make sure to first keep your job and find something you can work part time and generate additional income or educate yourself in investing so you can develop an additional stream. Than from their you can grow and become more sophisticated if you would like. Many people tell me "Mark it's much easier for anyone with more income to make more money". Actually it depends on the person and most of the time it's not, first most live paycheck to paycheck just to pay bills either at a higher level or medium or lower levels, for example if the person is a doctor let's say, than they have student loan debts and most doctors don't get out of debt til the age of 52. Than on the other hand we have a janitor that makes a few thousand a month but didn't rack up credit card bills,bought cars and many other liabilities because they didn't have the money in the first place so to me this is a blessing because now you can learn how to manage your money, financially educate yourself and once that's under control it's much easier to build and grow to get out of the daily grind of just paying your bills and debts. Now you can focus on real freedom. Everyone let me know what you think? ‪#‎cashflow‬ ‪#‎residualincome‬ ‪#‎financialeducation‬

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