
Thursday, June 27, 2013

 Biggest Transfer Of Wealth In Man Kind History Happening Right NOW!!

This is truly incredible times in history. One of the biggest transfer of wealth is happening right now and it's going over to Asia! Precious Metals are are at a 2 and a half year low. Their half off right now it would be veryw ise to purchase them for your portfolio. There only going to print more and it doesn't matter to me what anyone else says because they called me crazy back in 06 when i said there was a real estate bubble, Get out before you lose your shirt and many people didn't listen and lost fortunes and many families were ruined. I don't want to see that again but it's going to happen, I like it or not. Last year in Sept, I posted about there being a major correction coming up and it's possible silver will come back down to 18 levels =) and for those not very experienced to turn there head and don't look at it and keep your eyes on the long term but experienced traders have been raking in major profits! Were very happy we sold a large portion on the top of that bull market run and than re-bought now at lows of almost the same as back in 2009-2010. This precious metals cycle is going to have multiple peaks because they don't know what to do about this situation but print more money. We will have another crisis coming soon and than another one in 2016-2017 when all of the baby boomers have to withdraw from the markets. Our generations don't have enough money to relpace that when they have to withdraw and than the market will feel that and the FEDS will have to come to the rescue again. Don't let them fool you with fancy names it's all printing money bottom line. Banks are at there all time highs buying physical metals. Asia is buying it at alarming rates. The wealth of the world is going to that continent by the year 2060 Asia will be 3/4th the globally financial system and the last quarter will be left for the rest of us so we better start thinking now about how are we going to get ahead because they will be eating our breakfast lunch and dinners and barely anything left for us the future is going to be very interesting and a totally different world. Were all connected now instead of things taking years to take place or develop now its at a click of a button. People in Asia have cell phone which means internet they can place trades, buy commodities and invest in any sector from online this is powerful. Our competition isn't the person down the street anymore it's every person with a laptop,cell phone ect and it's only going to keep growing and keeping getting quicker and quicker. Industrial age thinking will never come back and those holding on to it will have the most miserable life in finances. I urge you to keep challenging yourself to financially educate yourself and keep getting better and better. I learned over a decade ago your either growing or your dieing because you can't be in the middle nothing in nature stands still it's either doing one of those two. Stay in touch with us on and sign up to our news letter to stay up to date on financial and global markets. Also subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel MARK LIKAREVIC Click here :
 we will be putting out live videos on financial news and the markets on a weekly basis let us know what you think? Follow us on twitter at ML Metal or Mark Likarevic. Please leave your comments or questions below.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The FEDS Tricked US

With the Market reacting the way they did today after the FEDS meeting. Their going to have no choice but to come out and confess that all these years of QE and the economy looking like it's going back to normal was an illusion to cover up the real problem that's never been fixed. If they don't step in were going to keep seeing massive losses on the markets. They will announce they will have to print even bigger QE packages to keep our economy going. Which in turn will devalue everyone purchasing power globally because every time the FEDS print the whole global has to print to keep up. All those investors they scared out of the precious metals industry will come running back into a safe haven(precious metals). They will rush to buy all the physical they sold thinking the worst was over when it wasn't but this time it's going to be different. There's already shortages globally in precious metals and mines are shutting down and when this major crisis hits critical mass we are going to see a bull market like never before. There will be massive sell offs in the markets but do not be afraid of this, when things hit rock bottom prices buy them don't be scared like the masses will be to touch any kind of investment. This is going to be a very interesting bull market. Subscribe to our news letter at if you have an questions or comments please leave them below and I will answer them personally as soon as I can. Thank you and have a great day!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Important Timing in Precious Metals!

As i'm writing this article physical silver is at $21.15, SLV- $20.58, Physical Gold- $1,344.00, GLD- $130.25. Gold to Silver ratio is 1:63.55, meaning 1oz of gold equals 63.55ozs of silver. Ratios have to equal back out to 1:12 so there is massive room for movement. With the FEDS meeting today not stating anything about cutting off QE. We are heading down a very painful path and all the citizens of the globe are going to pay for it. There's no way to stop it but just educate yourself on the matter and get out of harms way. Also the FED Chairman is going to exit the scene very soon before things hit the fan so he doesn't have to deal with this issue when it really arises. Right now all they did was put a band aid on the economic problem, nothings been solved only covered up for a future bubble burst. Precious metals sector is looking very weak and its scaring a lot of investors away from it which is what they want. I warned of this correction last year. But this is provided a opportunity of a lifetime. Take advantage of this moment in history this will never happen again in our life times. Of course other bubbles will be made and booms but this specific one with the credit,bond bubble ready to explode which will take precious metals to a all time high. Not to include whats different this time, is we have the entire globe buying physical metals and being connected on the internet. One economy gets affected so do we. So that old thinking of we need to mind our own business in America is long gone. Something happens in another country its going to affect us here so that's why its important to know whats going on globally.  Look up the feeding frenzy the Asia market is having with precious metals. There's 10's of thousand of people lined up daily to buy physical metals. I'm also seeing a lot of mines being shut down so that means production is shrinking so next the supply is affected and when the next financial crisis happens and it's already dry out there for metals people are going to rush into the market and there won't be enough supply for everyone which is in turn will shoot the price of metals to the moon. So let's get ready everyone for one of the biggest shift of wealth in man kind history!!! Email me if you have any question at Go to WWW.MLMETALS.COM to sign up to our News Letter to stay ahead of the curve and stay in contact with us as financial markets change. We will also be adding soon to our Letter, is information on the Stock markets,Stock picks,Option picks, Foreign Emerging Markets sign up and don't miss out!