
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The FEDS Tricked US

With the Market reacting the way they did today after the FEDS meeting. Their going to have no choice but to come out and confess that all these years of QE and the economy looking like it's going back to normal was an illusion to cover up the real problem that's never been fixed. If they don't step in were going to keep seeing massive losses on the markets. They will announce they will have to print even bigger QE packages to keep our economy going. Which in turn will devalue everyone purchasing power globally because every time the FEDS print the whole global has to print to keep up. All those investors they scared out of the precious metals industry will come running back into a safe haven(precious metals). They will rush to buy all the physical they sold thinking the worst was over when it wasn't but this time it's going to be different. There's already shortages globally in precious metals and mines are shutting down and when this major crisis hits critical mass we are going to see a bull market like never before. There will be massive sell offs in the markets but do not be afraid of this, when things hit rock bottom prices buy them don't be scared like the masses will be to touch any kind of investment. This is going to be a very interesting bull market. Subscribe to our news letter at if you have an questions or comments please leave them below and I will answer them personally as soon as I can. Thank you and have a great day!

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