Important Timing in Precious Metals!
As i'm writing this article physical silver is at $21.15, SLV- $20.58, Physical Gold- $1,344.00, GLD- $130.25. Gold to Silver ratio is 1:63.55, meaning 1oz of gold equals 63.55ozs of silver. Ratios have to equal back out to 1:12 so there is massive room for movement. With the FEDS meeting today not stating anything about cutting off QE. We are heading down a very painful path and all the citizens of the globe are going to pay for it. There's no way to stop it but just educate yourself on the matter and get out of harms way. Also the FED Chairman is going to exit the scene very soon before things hit the fan so he doesn't have to deal with this issue when it really arises. Right now all they did was put a band aid on the economic problem, nothings been solved only covered up for a future bubble burst. Precious metals sector is looking very weak and its scaring a lot of investors away from it which is what they want. I warned of this correction last year. But this is provided a opportunity of a lifetime. Take advantage of this moment in history this will never happen again in our life times. Of course other bubbles will be made and booms but this specific one with the credit,bond bubble ready to explode which will take precious metals to a all time high. Not to include whats different this time, is we have the entire globe buying physical metals and being connected on the internet. One economy gets affected so do we. So that old thinking of we need to mind our own business in America is long gone. Something happens in another country its going to affect us here so that's why its important to know whats going on globally. Look up the feeding frenzy the Asia market is having with precious metals. There's 10's of thousand of people lined up daily to buy physical metals. I'm also seeing a lot of mines being shut down so that means production is shrinking so next the supply is affected and when the next financial crisis happens and it's already dry out there for metals people are going to rush into the market and there won't be enough supply for everyone which is in turn will shoot the price of metals to the moon. So let's get ready everyone for one of the biggest shift of wealth in man kind history!!! Email me if you have any question at Go to WWW.MLMETALS.COM to sign up to our News Letter to stay ahead of the curve and stay in contact with us as financial markets change. We will also be adding soon to our Letter, is information on the Stock markets,Stock picks,Option picks, Foreign Emerging Markets sign up and don't miss out!
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